Choosing the Right Cyber Secure Hosting Service
Let’s face it, choosing the right secure website and email hosting package can be a touch confusing, but how do you find the answers? We make this simple: simply pick up the phone and talk to Datalink Secure’s website and email hosting technical experts.
Datalink Secure’s team of computer system engineers have over 20 years experience in website hosting, data security systems, CMS, WordPress and SQL database website design, email routing, storage and mapping; and can offer same-day web hosting technical service – so why not call or email today.
Dedicated Secure Hosting – a Tailored Approach
While many web hosting services across the globe offer large volumes of disc space and huge, if not unlimited chunks of data bandwidth coupled with extraordinary low prices; few offer dedicate security solutions coupled with serious technical support to help ensure your business data remains safe.
In order to privided better services our customers, we offer a tailored approach to hosting account creation and management. We offer premium security services as standard coupled with a strong wiliness to offer true 24/7 support. With Datalink Secure hosting plans, we think you’ll be making a wise decision early on that’ll likely to reward you well into the future.
With increased data threats world wide, we’re doing something about protecting your website and email data in a customised way. Plans include a serious array of threat mitigation tools built directly into the hosting server architecture so you won’t have to lift a finger!
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Datalink Secure hosting packages boast special provisioning to ensure highest levels of reliability and performance, even during hardware failures. Failover RAID hard disk arrays means your website and. email data exists simultaneously across multiple hardware devices. If a hard disk should fail your website and email server won’t miss a beat because the system instantly failovers to secondary hardware. This is lightening fast premium hardware RAID, not basic software RAID as found elsewhere.
Not only does Datalink Secure Secure deploy multiple main hard disks under RAID-1 array but our backup system also is under its own separate RAID-1 array as well. This means two separate disks mirroring each other specifically only for backup duties.
With our premium cyber secure hosting services, every reasonable precautionary measure and provision has been implemented and deployed to ensure a premium standard of quality and a trule 99.9% uptime reliability.
Now’s the time to step up to Datalink Secure.